Azure Front Door and CDN documentation
Azure Front Door is a modern cloud content delivery network (CDN) service that delivers high performance, scalability, and secure user experiences for your content and applications.
- Front Door and CDN documentation
- Overview
- Quickstarts
- Front Door
- Standard/Premium
- Classic
- Front Door
- Tutorials
- Concepts
- Front Door
- Standard/Premium
- Front Door manager
- Caching
- Traffic acceleration
- Routing
- Endpoints
- Origins
- Domains
- Rules Engine
- WebSocket
- Sensitive data protection
- Understand billing
- Price comparison between tiers
- Logs and metrics
- Best practices
- Scenarios
- Classic
- Migrate to Standard or Premium Tier
- Front Door classic retirement FAQ
- Caching
- Traffic acceleration
- Routing
- Backend pool
- Wildcard domain
- Health probes
- Rules Engine
- URL rewrite
- URL redirect
- Security
- Protocol
- Standard/Premium
- About migration to Azure Front Door
- CDN and Front Door price comparison
- Migrate CDN provider
- Microsoft CDN classic retirement FAQ
- Akamai retirement FAQ
- Edgio retirement FAQ
- Security baseline
- DDoS protection
- How caching works
- HTTP/2 support
- Retrieve POP IP's
- Migrate from Standard Edgio to Premium Edgio
- China content delivery
- Front Door
- How-to guides
- Front Door
- Standard/Premium
- Configure
- Upgrade to Premium tier
- Configure a new endpoint
- Add origins to origin group
- Set up managed identity
- Domains
- Configure caching
- Rules Engine
- Purge cache
- Protect sensitive data
- Compression
- Blue/Green deployment with Front Door
- Enable Private Link to secure origins
- Connect to an internal load balancer
- Connect to Azure Storage Account
- Connect to Azure Storage static website
- Connect to Azure App Service
- Connect to Azure Application Gateway
- Connect to Azure API Management
- Monitor and reports
- Integrations
- Configure
- Classic
- Migrate to Standard or Premium tier
- Add a custom domain
- Configure HTTPS on a custom domain
- Add a root or apex domain
- Set up a Rules Engine
- Configure HTTP to HTTPS redirect
- Configure classic diagnostics
- Secure with Web Application Firewall
- Troubleshoot
- Standard/Premium
- Microsoft classic
- Migrate to Azure Front Door
- Optimized content
- Manage
- Create an endpoint
- Manage by using Azure PowerShell
- Onboard a root or apex domain
- Set up managed identity
- Improve performance by compressing files
- Endpoint multi-origin
- Enforce HTTPS by using the Standard rules engine
- Control caching behavior
- Shared access signature storage support
- Cross-origin resource sharing
- Monitor resources
- Use Traffic Manager
- Analyze
- Develop
- Edgio
- Migrate to Azure Front Door
- Standard
- Optimize content
- Manage
- Create an endpoint
- Manage by using Azure PowerShell
- Onboard a root or apex domain
- Restrict access by country or region
- Improve performance by compressing files
- Endpoint multi-origin
- Control caching behavior
- Configure time to live TTL
- Shared access signature storage support
- Cross-origin resource sharing
- Monitor resources
- Use Traffic Manager
- Analyze
- Azure diagnostics logs
- Analytics tools for Azure CDN from Edgio
- Develop
- Premium
- Optimize content
- Manage
- Create an endpoint
- Manage by using Azure PowerShell
- Onboard a root or apex domain
- Restrict access by country or region
- Improve performance by compressing files
- Control caching behavior
- Configure time to live TTL
- Token authentication
- Shared access signature storage support
- Cross-origin resource sharing
- Monitor resources
- Use rules to override behavior
- Use Traffic Manager
- Analyze
- Develop
- Troubleshoot
- Microsoft classic
- Front Door
- Reference
- Front Door
- HTTP headers protocol support
- Azure Front Door POP locations
- Standard/Premium
- Classic
- Azure CDN POP locations
- POP locations by region
- POP locations by abbreviation
- Standard rules engine
- Microsoft-specific HTTP headers
- Edgio
- Azure CLI
- Azure PowerShell
- .NET
- Java
- Azure CDN POP locations
- Front Door
- Resources