Azure Bastion documentation
Learn how to use Azure Bastion to connect to a virtual machine. Configure secure and seamless RDP/SSH connectivity to your virtual machines directly in the Azure portal over SSL. When you connect via Azure Bastion, your virtual machines don't need a public IP address.
- Bastion documentation
- Overview
- Quickstarts
- Tutorials
- Concepts
- What's new in Bastion?
- Work remotely
- Bastion FAQ
- Design architecture
- Bastion configuration settings
- VM connections and features
- Bastion and VNet peering
- Work with NSGs
- Reliability
- Security
- How-to guides
- Deploy Bastion
- Deploy private-only Bastion
- Configure Bastion settings
- Connect to a virtual machine
- Windows VM
- Linux VM
- Connect to a VM - native client
- Connect to a VM - IP address
- Connect to a VM scale set
- Connect to DevTest Labs VMs
- Work with a VM session
- Monitoring
- Troubleshoot
- Reference
- Resources