Azure Backup service documentation
The Azure Backup service provides simple, secure, and cost-effective solutions to back up your data and recover it from the Microsoft Azure cloud.
- Azure Backup documentation
- Overview
- Quickstarts
- Back up a VM - Azure portal
- Back up a VM - PowerShell
- Back up a VM - CLI
- Back up a VM - ARM template
- Back up a VM - Bicep template
- Back up Azure PostgreSQL Database
- Back up the database - Azure portal
- Restore the PostgreSQL database across regions
- Configure AKS cluster backup
- Configure backup for Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
- Configure vaulted backup for Azure Blob
- Install Backup extension in AKS cluster
- Enable Multi-user authorization MUA
- Backup SAP HANA System Replication database
- Restore the entire SAP HANA system to snapshot restore point
- Enable enhanced soft delete
- Tutorials
- Back up multiple Azure VMs
- Back up Azure VMs with PowerShell
- Restore a VM with Azure CLI
- Restore individual files
- Back up SQL Server on Azure VM
- Back up SAP HANA databases in Azure VMs
- Back up PostgreSQL databases
- Configure item level backup of an AKS cluster
- Configure vaulted backup for Azure Blob
- Restore vaulted backups for AKS clusters in a secondary region
- Back up Windows Server
- Restore files to Windows Server
- SAP HANA databases on Azure VMs – using CLI
- Configure SAP HANA database instance snapshot backup
- Back up Azure Managed Disks
- Configure Multi-user authorization MUA
- Recover soft deleted items with enhanced soft delete
- Concepts
- Reliability
- Support matrices
- Azure Backup support matrix
- Backup center support matrix
- Azure VM backup support matrix
- DPM/Azure Backup Server MABS support matrix
- MARS agent support matrix
- SQL Server Backup support matrix
- SAP HANA Backup support matrix
- SAP ASE Backup support matrix
- Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server long-term retention support matrix
- Azure file share backup support matrix
- Azure Disk Backup support matrix
- Azure Blobs backup support matrix
- Active Directory domain controllers
- Supported VM SKUs for Azure Policy
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL backup support matrix
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL -Flexible server backup support matrix
- Azure Kubernetes Service backup support matrix
- Automation in Azure Backup
- Frequently asked questions FAQ
- FAQ-Recovery Services vaults
- FAQ-Backup center
- FAQ-Azure VM backup
- FAQ-MARS agent
- FAQ-Back up Azure Files
- FAQ- Azure Disk Backup
- FAQ-Back up SQL Server databases on Azure VMs
- FAQ-Back up SAP HANA databases on Azure VMs
- FAQ-Back up Azure Database for PostgreSQL server
- FAQ-Azure Backup Server and DPM
- FAQ-Azure Backup Monitoring and Reporting
- FAQ-Protection against Ransomware
- FAQ-Soft Delete
- Vaults
- Azure Business Continuity center
- Backup center
- Azure VM backup
- SAP HANA database on Azure VM backup
- Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server long-term retention
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL -Flexible server backup
- SAP ASE database on Azure VM backup
- Azure Kubernetes Service backup
- Azure Blob backup
- Azure File share backup
- Windows backup using MARS agent
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Security
- Backup architecture
- Guidance and best practices
- Glossary of terms
- How-to guides
- Vaults
- Azure Business Continuity Center
- Backup center
- Azure VM backup
- Backup
- Back up and restore Azure VMs with Azure Backup Instant Restore
- Enable backup when you create an Azure VM
- Back up an Azure VM using Enhanced policy
- Back up an Azure VM in Azure extended zones
- Back up Azure VM with agentless multi-disk crash-consistent backup
- Back up an Azure VM from VM settings
- Set up a vault and enable backup for Azure VMs
- Back up encrypted Azure VMs
- Configure app-consistent backups of Azure VMs running Linux
- Selective disk backup
- Using Azure VM backup for database consistent snapshots
- Restore
- Manage
- Backup
- SQL Server database on Azure VM backup
- Overview
- From the Azure portal
- With CLI
- Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server backup retention
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL backup
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL -Flexible server backup
- Azure Kubernetes Service backup
- From the Azure portal
- With PowerShell
- With CLI
- Windows backup using MARS agent
- Azure Disk backup
- Azure Blob backup
- Azure File share backup
- SAP HANA database on Azure VM backup
- SAP ASE database on Azure VM backup
- Azure Backup Server MABS
- Protection matrices
- Install or upgrade
- Protect workloads
- Recover data from Azure Backup Server
- Restore VMware VMs with Azure Backup Server
- Back up the MABS server
- Azure Backup Server on Azure Stack
- Data Protection Manager DPM
- Offline backup
- Monitoring
- Reporting
- Configure Azure Backup reports
- Configure Diagnostics Events
- Backup Explorer
- Automation
- Overview
- Built-in Azure Policy for Azure Backup
- Use PowerShell
- Use Azure CLI
- Use Azure Backup REST API
- Use Azure Data Protection REST API
- Query backup information using ARG
- Resource Manager and Bicep templates
- Security and Ransomware protection
- Overview
- Save and manage MARS agent passphrase in Azure Key Vault
- Azure role-based access control
- Configure Multi-user authorization using Resource Guard
- Manage Immutable vaults
- Soft delete
- Configure and manage enhanced soft delete
- Delete protection for Azure file shares
- Ransomware protection
- Security for hybrid backups
- Private Endpoints
- Encryption in Azure Backup
- Encryption using customer-managed keys
- Transport Layer Security
- Security controls by Azure Policy
- Security baseline
- Archive tier
- Troubleshoot
- Backup vault
- Azure VM
- Azure VM file recovery
- Azure Backup agent or VM extension timed out
- Encrypted Azure VM backup
- Azure Backup agent
- Azure Blob backup
- Files and folders backup is slow
- Azure Backup Server
- Azure Backup Vault
- System Center DPM
- Azure File share
- Azure Disk Backup
- SQL Server
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible server backup
- Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server
- SAP HANA backup in Azure VMs
- SAP HANA database instance backup in Azure VM
- SAP ASE database backup in Azure VMs
- System State
- Archive tier
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Data recovery from Microsoft Azure Backup Server
- Monitoring and alerts
- Reference
- Resources