Azure App Configuration documentation
Learn how to use Azure App Configuration, a managed service that helps developers centralize their application and feature settings simply and securely.
- Azure App Configuration documentation
- Overview
- Quickstarts
- Create an App Configuration store
- Configuration
- Feature management
- Service integration
- Deployment
- .NET App in Visual Studio
- Tutorials
- Enable dynamic configuration using poll model
- Enable dynamic configuration using push model
- Use Key Vault references
- Use Key Vault references
- Reload secrets and certificates automatically
- Build, deploy, and CI/CD
- Feature management
- Use feature flags
- Enable conditional features with feature filters
- Enable features on a schedule
- Roll out features to targeted audience
- Use variant feature flags
- Enable Azure monitoring
- Samples
- Concepts
- How-to guides
- Use labels for per-environment configuration
- Manage and use snapshots
- Import or export configuration data
- Use JSON content-type for key-values
- Use Event Grid for data change notifications
- Use managed identities to access App Configuration
- Update to the New Spring Boot Library
- Move a resource between Azure regions
- Recover or purge deleted App Configuration stores
- Enable geo-replication
- Set up private access
- Reference
- Client libraries
- Feature management
- .NET
- Java Spring
- Python
- Deployment
- Azure CLI
- Azure PowerShell
- Kubernetes provider
- Azure Policy built-ins
- Resources